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Friday, December 18, 2015

Toya Wright’s Brothers Tied To 2014 Bank Robbery

Posted by Unknown on 6:04 PM

Toya Wright’s brothers are in a big bind that could land them behind bars. Ya’ll remember Walter and Casey from Toya’s old reality TV show “Toya: A Family Affair” right? Well apparently the FBI have DNA samples and confessions that may cost these two some jail time.

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Walter and Casey Johnson accompanied two other people as they stole damn there 200,000 from a Chase bank. They even had an inside man help them out along the way, Casey’s girlfriend. She explained to them the in and outs of the bank and how to maneuver their way around in order to have a successful robbery. She admitted to police that she knew of her boyfriend’s plan to drive his brother and other accomplices to the bank that day. FBI agents also were able to trace DNA back to one of the brothers. One of the decided to use an ungloved hand to drag a employee to a safe. The FBI traced fingerprints on the employee’s leather coat. The match belonged to Walter Johnson.

This isn’t the first time the brothers have been involved in a robbery. This past summer they were involved in the robbery of a jewelry store. Police found large amounts of jewelry in Casey’s car after the robbery had taken place. Sources say the brothers use the money to purchase weed and to help them with their music for their label “Truce Mob.”

The brothers have been charged with robbery and also with being felons in possession of a firearm. Casey was charged with four counts of armed robbery. Sheesh!

Source: TheShadeRoom

The post Toya Wright’s Brothers Tied To 2014 Bank Robbery appeared first on In Flex We Trust.

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